
About 3House

Hello, language friends!

Did you know that you only need to understand around 2000 english words to carry a conversation?

There are a lot of ways to learn a language. However, not all of them are as effective as you might think!

With 3House, we hope to create a learning environment that builds personalized courses for you.

Our interest in the project came from the fast evolution of AI, and our own experience learning languages.

We are not professionals in teaching (or languages for that matter), but we do know how to use technology to our advantage.

This website serves a dual purpose: it's a resource for you, and a means for us to discover and apply the best teaching methodologies.

So, if you think this sounds interesting. Please feel free to take a look around.

Please note that the website is currently in demo mode; we welcome your feedback at

We wish you a happy learning experience!

Jesse Candido

Hi, I'm Jesse.

I studied Computer Science at Stanford University, focusing on Human Computer Interaction, with a minor in German Studies.
I speak Portuguese, English, and some Danish.
In my free time, I enjoy hiking, taking the dog to the park, bouldering and reading.

You can reach me at

Loui Collin-Enoch

Hi, I'm Loui.

I'm currently a 4th semester electrical engineering student at the University of Southern Denmark. If I'm not doing school related things, I'm either working on side projects, climbing or enjoying life.

I speak Danish, English and I'm currently learning Spanish. I'm always learning new things, since my curiosity is like an addiction.

You can reach me at
